A short video about what I do

Seeking The Light & Truth Within: Intuitive Art
Wildlife artist, Spiritual Medium & Intuitive Artist Frances Whitman speaks to Rev Helen James about her spirituality, and how she helps people gain insights & revelations about themselves through Soul Energy Portraits, a combination of Frances’ mediumship and intuitive art.
Frances talks about her art, poetry, Universal Energy Oracle cards and Intuitive Art Workshops.
Frances is encouraging others to follow their intuition and create free flowing art to boost their mental well-being and unlock their inner child. She runs Intuitive Art Workshops in Cheltenham in Gloucestershire. These workshops provide a nurturing, fun and relaxing space in which participants can enjoy exploring and experimenting with different art mediums and creating mixed media artworks, with guidance from Frances. Rev Helen James would like to thank all those ladies present at the workshop for their time, trust and giving permission to film.
Frances co-created with Spirit, Rev Helen James’ Soul Energy Portrait in a separate video which can be viewed on Rev Helen James' YouTube Channel and my Soul Energy Portraits & Readings page. Both videos were filmed and edited by Rev Helen James.
Please do subscribe to Helens' channel and like, comment and share with your community.
My Intuitive Journey
The start of my intuitive journey began when I became good friends with a lovely lady. Tragically her husband passed away a year later. During the weeks following his passing, I began to 'hear' and then write messages from him in the form of poetry.
I explained to my friend what was happening and we asked her late husband to offer information for her that would prove it was indeed him. This he did and I became a channel for his messages which brought great comfort to my friend and their family.
I wanted to understand and explore my newly discovered abilities, so I took a mediumship course over the next few years to develop my knowledge, understanding and skills.
​Attending a psychic/intuitive art workshop introduced me to the idea of combining my artistic and mediumistic abilities. This formed the basis of the soul energy portraits and readings I now offer to clients, either at my studio in Cheltenham, by zoom worldwide, and at Mind Body and Spirit Shows that I attend around the UK.
I have taken time to explore different holistic and healing practices, including crystal healing, energy healing and meditation. I have studied and qualified in Theta Healing.
My Artistic Journey
Wildlife Art
I've always loved drawing and creating from an early age. After a minor car accident in my 20's, to pass my time whilst recuperating, I began drawing animals using magazine references. I was pleasantly surprised with my finished results and continued to practise my drawing and painting skills.
The creative pull was so strong that I left my job and embarked on the first part of my artistic journey. I joined a wildlife art society and was encouraged to enter national art competitions. I was thrilled to win several awards for my animal drawings.
My art then took me in an interesting direction for quite a few years, drawing animal commissions, painting trompe l'oeil murals and creating paint effects for businesses and within clients homes.
My Artistic Journey ~ Continued
Intuitive Art
I began creating art intuitively and I absolutely love this process which naturally allows the art to form and become into being through the layers of paint and other media I use, being guided by an inner awareness.
Intuitive art is about letting go of fear or expectations, allowing each painting to evolve in its own time, in its own way. It is about creating a unique expression of sense, feeling and being, allowing something new and unknown emerge.
Creating sacred site and locational energy art uses my intuitive abilities as a medium, to see and feel the energies present, expressing these in my artwork and the words that flow to compliment the images.
Universal Energy Oracle Cards
A visually striking and highly accurate 78 card deck
​I first created all the images over a period of three weeks, not realising what they were intended for.
I soon realised, once I had 78 images that a deck of oracle or tarot cards was intended. My next task was to channel the words, to combine the visual representation of the images with the energetic vibration of the words.
​I thoroughly enjoyed the entire process of co-creating these extremely accurate cards. I do hope you enjoy getting to know them and that they bring you exactly what is needed.
Visionary Sound Therapy
"Sound has the potential to heal the body and promote wellness, restoring balance to the body’s energy fields."
Visionary Sound Therapy ~ Launching in October 2024
Created by Frances Whitman, Visionary Sound Therapy is the use of specific images, sounds and tones to help balance and restore the body, mind, and spirit.
Each session involves using certain sound resonances (vibrational frequencies) to create a relaxing atmosphere to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release.
A meditative or theta brainwave state can be achieved, which can allow access to deeper levels of inner wisdom and healing.
Frances chanelled the 119 resonance sounds and images that she uses with clients. Each image is the visual representation of the corresponding sound, so by intuitively choosing your images, you are allowing your body the opportunity to intuitively or subconsciously choose the sounds it knows it will benefit from. Allowing the body and mind to sense and align with the vibrational frequency of each sound associated with the images chosen.​
Frances uses her mediumistic abilities to receive information for the client in relation to what is taking place energetically for the client during the session, writing this down whilst the client listens to the sounds.
After the sounds have finished, the information received by Frances is discussed and any information that the client wishes to share as to their own experience.
Exposure to different frequencies can alleviate issues such as depression or anxiety as well as stimulate the body to heal physical ailments.
Although sound is suitable for anyone it is often not recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy, if you suffer from Audiogenic Epilepsy, or have had a surgical procedure in the last 3 months.
Sound therapy is not a replacement for conventional medicine and if ever in doubt speak to your doctor first.